Exotic Technique 1

Are you interested in learning to dance around the pole with your heels on? Join the Exotic Technique class to master the basics of the Exotic style, such as the different kinds of pirouettes, body waves, leg waves, squats, lunges, leg switches, the diamond, etc.

This class focuses primarily on technique, detailed movements, placement and precision. It is not a choreography class. You’ll learn short combos and flow sequences to start mastering the art of poledancing on heels. This class is for those who want to learn the foundations of the Exotic style and refine their technique, work on their lines and angles for the best visual effect.

This class is accessible for people who have already followed at least 5-10 technical classes in the Beginners 1 level or are already following our Exotic Pole 1 class.

Exotic Technique classes are 75 minutes long. We start with a warm-up, before moving on to exercises, exotic tricks and combos. Exotic Technique classes make use of static poles only. At the end of the class, we always stretch for a little while.

Exotic Elements class at The Pole Temple