New ‘Pole Basics’ course

This 4-week course is designed for complete beginners, those who want to learn the foundations of pole dancing before joining our regular Pole Beginners 1 classes.

In this series of 4 classes, we will get you acquainted with the pole as a completely new apparatus. You will evolve with a group of complete beginners and after a 15-min warmup, you will learn your first beginners pole tricks and spins on and around the pole. Over the course of 4 weeks, you will start to understand how to use your body for pole and you will practice a number of basic tricks to be ready to jump in our regular beginner Thursday class.

By signing up for this course, you understand that you are supposed to attend 4 classes, each one taking place on a Wednesday in the month. If you miss one of those classes, there will be no (partial) refunds, and no possibility to claim a credit or swap for another class, unless you can provide a doctor's note.

Looking forward to meeting you!

• How to book a class •

1) Download the Eversports app on iPhone or Android and use the code JESSICAGIRT8 for a 5€ discount on your first booking!

2) After creating your account, find The Pole Temple, go to ‘Classes’ and navigate to the desired week or go to ‘Courses’ for the Pole Basics series

3) Select the class or course that you want to attend

4) Select the product you want to use: “Tryout Class”, “Single Class”, or a 10-class package, or a membership (contract with a monthly recurring fee)

5) Select your method of payment

6) Show up for class!

Please note! It is mandatory to sign up for an Eversports account to book classes at The Pole Temple. It is highly recommended to use the app for bookings instead of the website. It is mandatory to cancel your booking if you cannot make it to class to free up the spot for someone on the waitlist.

In need of a fresh pole outfit? Your first pair of exotic shoes?

Get a 5€ discount from PoleJunkie or HellaHeels using the links below!


Issue? Questions? Contact us!